As per Rio + 20 Summit there is vital link between our living practices and depletion of our natural resources. United Nations setup various groups and forums for establishing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Millennium Development Goals (MDG), and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Greening Education for addressing issues of sustainability, equality, health, poverty reduction, education, and quality living condition for all. Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji laid emphasis on sustainable lifestyle, growth of low income people through clean, green environment, healthy practices, education, research, and development especially at the UN’s address and drives such as Swatch Bharat, cleanliness and interlinking of rivers etc. Thus to cater these issues HaritaDhara Research Development and Education Foundation (HRDEF) established as non-profit organization under The Indian Companies Act 2013 as section 8 company. Our work focus on Panch Mahabhutas balancing (Five Elements - Water, Earth, Space, Air, Fire) as depicted in our logo. Further, right Information at right time and place is central for well-being and quality of LiFE.